Outdoor Learning & Forest School Activities at Nursery

Sherwood forest school

At St. George’s Nursery, Sherwood, we have been focusing on increasing our forest school activities and transforming our garden areas to provide a rich and diverse outdoor learning environment for our young learners. With our new manager being forest school trained, we are excited to explore the many benefits of forest school activities and create meaningful experiences for the children in our care.

Increasing our Forest School Activities and Transforming our Garden Areas

At our nursery, we have made a conscious effort to expand our forest school activities and enhance our outdoor spaces to provide a more immersive learning experience for the children. This has involved redesigning our garden areas to incorporate natural elements such as tree stumps, logs, and mud kitchens, as well as creating dedicated spaces for outdoor exploration, imaginative play, and sensory experiences.


By investing in our outdoor environment, we aim to create a setting that encourages children to engage with nature, develop their physical skills, and foster a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world. We are dedicated to creating an environment that inspires children to explore, discover, and learn through hands-on experiences in nature. Through our efforts, we aim to promote a deep connection with the natural world and instil a love for outdoor learning in the children at our nursery.

Our New Manager is Forest School Trained

Our Sherwood nursery has recently welcomed a new manager, Holly, who is forest school trained. This is an exciting development for our team, as it means that we have a dedicated advocate for outdoor learning and forest school activities. With the expertise and passion that our new manager brings to the role, we are confident that we can further enhance the quality of our outdoor provision and create meaningful learning experiences for the children in our care.

Having a manager who is forest school trained not only enriches the learning experiences we offer but also provides valuable leadership in promoting a culture of outdoor learning within our setting. Our new manager is committed to nurturing a love for nature and the outdoors, and is dedicated to creating a supportive and stimulating environment where children can thrive through engaging with the natural world.

The Benefits of Outdoor Learning for Children

  • Outdoor learning offers a variety of benefits for children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. By taking education beyond the four walls of a classroom, children can:
  • Enhance Physical Fitness: Outdoor activities encourage physical movement, helping children develop strength, coordination, and overall fitness. Climbing, running, and exploring nature enhance gross and fine motor skills.
  • Stimulate Creativity: Nature’s beauty and diversity ignite the imagination. Outdoor settings provide endless opportunities for creative play and exploration.
  • Promote Problem-Solving Skills: Nature offers endless opportunities for problem-solving, from navigating uneven terrain to identifying plants and animals. These experiences foster critical thinking.
  • Boost Social Skills: Outdoor environments encourage teamwork and cooperation. Children learn to communicate, share, and collaborate as they engage in group activities.
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Spending time in nature has a calming effect on children. It reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes mental well-being.

Forest School Activities at Nursery

At St. George’s Nursery, we are dedicated to providing a rich and varied range of forest school activities that align with the principles of forest school education. Our activities are designed to be child-led, promoting curiosity, exploration, and discovery in natural settings. From sensory walks and nature art to woodland storytelling and wildlife observation, our forest school activities are carefully crafted to engage children in meaningful experiences that connect them with the natural world.


We believe in the importance of allowing children the freedom to explore and take supported risks in a safe and nurturing outdoor environment. Our forest school activities are designed to promote resilience, independence, and confidence as children engage in hands-on experiences that encourage them to take the lead in their learning. Through activities such as den building, and tool use, we aim to foster a sense of empowerment and agency in the children, allowing them to develop practical skills and a deep appreciation for nature.


As part of our commitment to forest school activities, we also place a strong emphasis on reflective practice and the cultivation of a sense of awe and wonder in the natural world. We encourage children to engage in storytelling, nature journaling, and reflective discussions to deepen their connections with nature and develop a sense of environmental stewardship. By nurturing a love for the outdoors and instilling a sense of respect for the natural world, we aim to inspire a lifelong passion for nature and outdoor learning in the children at our nursery.

Follow us @StGeorgesNursery to learn more about our activities.