Our Work With
Our Work With The Community
Nursery Links with the Community
It is important that our children grow up to be well-balanced individuals and understand the importance of community and helping others. At St. George’s we do many things to assist with this.
Caring For The World Around Us
We also teach the children about the environment and world in which we live, including how to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Our nurseries develop close links with care homes for the elderly as we know what benefits this can have for both age groups. The children visit and spend time in care homes – they take hot cross buns at Easter and sing carols with their elderly friends at Christmas time. The elderly also visit us at nursery and join in on many of our daily activities. This precious time with our elderly friends is thoroughly enjoyed by all!
Nursery Visitors, Pets & Trips
Other members of the community will come and visit also such as parents with specific skills or jobs that the children can learn about, the police, the fire service and doctors/nurses.
We also receive regular visits from different animals and pets. By allowing children to interact with animals gives them the chance to learn in a greater, richer and in a more immersed way.
Children are frequently taken on Nursery outings. These may include having a yummy picnic time at the park, brushing up on our reading at the library and broadening our knowledge of the world at the museum or at a show. Safety is always a priority, and risk assessments are carried out before every outing and a qualified first aider is always present.
Charity Links
We raise money throughout the year for charity for causes such as Comic Relief, Children in Need, Loros and more, when children, parents and our staff teams get involved with lots of fun fundraising activities.
Other recent notable charitable fundraising includes:
- Narborough nursery recently raised £900 for Great Ormond Street Hospital through a sponsored walk in funky socks and a bake sale
- Enderby nursery has links with South Leicestershire Wombles so we can learn all about the importance of looking after the environment.
- Our nurseries has close links with the local food bank and they organise frequent donations & drop-offs thanks to our wonderful and generous staff and parents.